For an outdoorsy person, packing for the next hiking challenge is no longer time-consuming because he/she is already experienced and know what to do before setting off. Things like projected weather conditions, temperature, types of clothing to wear and the amount of food and water to bring for the hike – they got this covered.
That’s not the case for beginners. It would be best to join a group or go hiking with friends until such time that you get used to roughing it outdoors and build up your endurance. If you are fond of walking, maybe try out day hiking and see if you like it. Some folks find it relaxing to go for a morning hike, maybe with their fur buddies and feel the fresh air. It could be an alternative to your window shopping or walk around the park as you try to clear your head.
For a day hike, you don’t have to bring your entire camping or cooking gear. Because of the limited amount of hours, you don’t need much and there are plenty of resources to help you pack light as well. For every trail, information such as the distance, terrain and amount of time it takes to get to the summit and head back to base camp is provided.
When in Utah, you get to experience various kinds of landscapes – mountains, deserts, forests, canyons. There are routes that are only accessible to experienced hikers but there are still plenty of areas for beginners to explore. Here are some of the options:
1. Capitol Reef National Park (Cassidy Arch Trail, Hickman Bridge, Brimhall Natural Bridge)
2. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (Golden Cathedral Trail)
3. Zion National Park (The Narrows, Angel’s Landing)
4. Bryce Canyon National Park (Fairyland Loop, Queen’s Garden/Navajo Loop Trail)
5. Canyonlands National Park (Chesler Park Loop/Joint Trail, Mesa Arch)
Don’t miss out on the adventure! It is never too late to start your very own outdoor journey and get to know the fun, rugged side of you.