The Stuff We're Made Of
So here is a run down of exactly what we are made of and, more importantly, why it matters! We create our hammocks with the hammock-er in mind. Each piece of our hammock is chosen for a very specific reason, now read on to find out why.
Straight Gate Carabiners, are pretty standard carabiners that simply do their job. They are strong, and very easy to use. They easily open, and close automatically when released. As they are made of steel, which is very durable and will keep you hanging just as high as you dare to hang.
Size, specifically Double Hammock size. So size of hammock is a big factor that differentiates hammock companies. At Hobo Hammocks we want you to be the most comfortable in your hobo hammock, so we made sure you have plenty of room. Our hammocks measure 10ft x 6.5ft.
Parachute Nylon is a popular fabric used in camping hammocks, and for a great reason. It is a very strong fabric, ours has a load capacity of 540 lbs. It also has a nice stretch to it and a soft texture which allows you to feel exceptionally comfortable in your hammock.
Stuff Pouch, this is a very convenient part of your Hobo Hammock. You never need to worry about losing your stuff pouch because it is attached to your hammock. You can easily fit your hammock, and tree straps for your carrying ease.
Tree Straps, are included in your purchase of a Hobo Hammock. Each tree strap is 10 ft long so there is no restrictions on where you hang.
The Extras
So there you have it, that’s the stuff we’re made of. In addition to this we also offer a lifetime warranty on your hammock and we donate a portion of your purchase to the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake to help feed and provide lodging to the homeless. Happy hanging in your Hobo Hammock!