It’s no secret that hammocking is an incredibly relaxing experience no matter where you do it, but why not reach a new level of Zen by checking these incredible hammock spots out! If any of this looks appealing but you don’t have a hammock yet, CLICK HERE: We’ll get you everything you need to get started on hammock camping!!!
10- The Oregon Coast. Between the ocean breezes, the breathtaking views, and the endless trees, The Oregon Coast makes for a perfect place to get away and hammock to your hearts desire. Make sure to bring your rain fly on this trip, because they see a lot of rain around these parts.
9- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. If you want solitude Rio is not the place for you. If you want beautiful views, awesome outdoor activities, and delicious food in every restaurant, then Rio should be your next destination.
8- Parley’s Canyon, Utah. On the east side of Salt Lake City, you’ll find Parley’s Canyon which takes you to Park City. But before you head up the canyon, set up your hammock for a view of Salt Lake City you won’t soon forget!
7- The Italina Alps. If you’re a thrillseeker, check out the slackline festival of Monte Piana. It offers not only a breathtaking view, but a huge adrenaline rush as well! Too much risk for you? Don’t worry, the Italian Alps offer plenty of beautful hammock spots without the butterflies.
6- Havasupai. An incredible Oasis in the middle of desert Arizona, Havasupai falls makes for a beautful, yet again breathtaking experience. From the views to the sounds to the weather, Havasupai is perfect. Everything about it. Bring your friends along for a trip you won’t soon be forgetting.
5- Nicaragua. For the “take it easy” hammocker. Lay back and watch the sun sink over the horizon. Central America is an often overlooked spot that should not be missed. An amazing, loving culture. So set up that hammock. It won’t be too long before locals join you.
4- Moab, Utah. Wow! Guaranteed to provide you with views like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Moab offers great camping and perfect weather for anybody who enjoys being outdoors. While you’re down there, you might as well check out the famous slick rock mountain biking trails, white water rafting trips, and world-famous climbs and slot canyons!
3- Phi Phi Island, Thailand. Head south in Thailand and you’ve got beaches and islands everywhere! You won’t believe the sunsets you see every single night. Add that to the best hospitality we’ve ever witnessed, and realize that you may end up quitting your job and moving to Thailand forever. We almost did!
2- North Shore, Hawaii. Let’s face it. Everything’s better in Hawaii, and hammocking is no different. If you camp out in your hammock on North Shore, you’ll be rewarded with a sunrise that has the potential to change your life! Pictures and words are simply incapable of paying proper tribute to this moment.
1- Home. There are a lot of cool places you can take your hammock. You will see things that will stay with you forever. You will meet people that you never forget. But when you run out of money and PTO, you still have your hammock, and that’ll get you anywhere.
By now we’re sure you realize you need a hammock to travel the world properly…CLICK HERE: We’ll get you everything you need to get started on hammock camping!!!