Your chosen footwear for your hiking or backpacking trip requires major consideration because your feet will be your main mode of transportation outdoors. With your backpack’s load, your footwear needs to be able to withstand the weight you’re carrying and guaranteed to provide comfort especially if you’re hiking long distances.
Ultralight hiking shoes are great alternatives to your bulky hiking boots. You lack ankle support that’s needed on rocky terrain or slippery slopes but these lightweight shoes are more versatile, comfortable and help you move faster on easy to mid-level hiking trail difficulty.

1. Salomon X Ultra 3 GTX
A pair weighs 1 lb. 10 oz.
Available versions for men and women
Key Features: Waterproof, breathable Gore-Tex
Material: nylon mesh
Price: $150
Guaranteed durable and well-built for hiking, the Salomon X Ultra 3 GTX is known for its signature one-pull quick lacing system.

2. Merrell Moab 2 Ventilator Low
A pair weighs 1 lb. 15 oz.
Available versions for men and women
Key Features: Not waterproof (but there is a waterproof version available),
Material: suede leather and mesh
Price: $100
Well known for its comfort, the Merrell Moab 2 Ventilator Low will fit your feet well straight out of the box with its cushy soles.

3. The North Face Ultra 110 GTX
A pair weighs 1 lb. 15 oz.
Available versions for men and women
Key Features: Waterproof, breathable Gore-Tex
Material: textile, Rubber sole
Price: $120
The North Face Ultra 110 GTX is also trail-ready right out of the box and o good choice for wet or muddy trails.
Aside from hiking boots and lightweight shoes, trail runners are the most popular footwear these days especially for those going on a 3-season backpacking trip or hikers traversing long distance trails.
Weight, durability, comfort and breathability – these are what trail runners provide that makes them a popular choice for people who want to explore the outdoors in any weather condition.
Given this information on the top selling lightweight hiking shoes on the market today, it all comes down to our personal preferences. Check out each model and see which one best suits the purpose of your purchase. The choice is still yours.